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Spring Break

Instead of heading home for spring break, many Wesley students travel to participate in construction and relational ministries around the Eastern U.S. Previous locations have included Ft. Myers Fl, Plymouth NC, and Charleston SC. Four days are spent working on sites and Wednesdays are free to explore the area. This is a great opportunity to learn more about your faith, explore passions, and get to know your fellow Wesley members! Have questions? Contact Savannah Greene at



Every Tuesday and Thursday, Wesley students drive to the Blacksburg Estates, a trailer park about 5 minutes away from campus, to provide homework help and mentoring to middle and high school students. This is a great way to provide positive mentorship to kids who otherwise may not have an adult to talk to throughout the week. No previous experience is necessary, the only requirement is to go through a short training required by the church. If you are interested in participating, contact Emma Anderson at


Cake Mix Collection

For the past several years, Wesley has been collecting cake mixes for the Montgomery County Christmas Store.  The nonprofit, established in 1982, helps families in the New River Valley during the holiday season. In 2018, MCCS provided over 1,300 low-income families with food, gifts, and other goods. In past years, students have stood outside of local Krogers to collect mixes. However, due to COVID, this event was held online in 2020. We held a Go Fund Me event and used the proceeds to purchase over 1000 mixes for MCCS. You can learn more about MCCS here.


209 Market Place

209 Market Place is a non-profit, volunteer run food pantry located in Wesley. The pantry serves the local community in partnership with The Market of Virginia Tech and NCLF, and is open Mondays and Thursdays from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Evan Gross at You can also visit the 209 Market Place by clicking the button below to find out more.

The Big Event

The Big Event is put on by Virginia Tech, and Wesley always participates as a group! We split into teams of 5-6 and are given projects by the organization. The morning of, students meet at Wesley for breakfast before heading out to rake leaves, lay down mulch, and complete others projects as a thank you to families around the area. Want to learn more? Check out the Big Event here!

Angel Tree

During weeks leading up to the holiday season, Wesley teams up with First Salem UMC’s youth group to purchase gifts for low-income children in the area. We have worked with organizations in the past but are working to establish our own Angel Tree program. More details to come!

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